The Boys is a comic book series created by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. It takes place in a universe where superheroes exist but most of them are corrupt and revel dangerously in their celebrity status, thus posing a danger to the world. As a result, a superpowered CIA squad nicknamed “The Boys” is tasked with monitoring the superhero community and addressing those who cause trouble. The leader of this squad is a man named Billy Butcher. Amazon, who is producing a straight-to-series superhero adaptation of the comic book has tapped Karl Urban (Dredd (2012), The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)) with the role of Butcher.
Erick Kripke (Supernatural, Timeless, Revolution) will serve as writer, showrunner, and producer while Evan Goldberg (Preacher) and Seth Rogen will direct the pilot. Sony Pictures TV will co-produce with Amazon ,and Neal H. Moritz’s studio-based Original Films.
Karl Urban is a solid actor. I don’t think I’ve seen him in a project where he wasn’t bringing his A-game so they are lucky to have him. Some comic properties (like this) are off-limits to me as I don’t want the stories to influence my own work (especially if they have similar concepts as mine) but The Boys sounds like a good premise for comic book. When I’m 90 I may get to finally check-it-out. Till then, best of luck to them on the project. The only elements that sound like potential pitfalls are Sony’s involvement…and of course Seth Rogen, who is a walking dumpster fire.