Directed by Brian A. Miller and written by Mike Maples, Backtrace stars Sylvester Stallone as Detective Sykes, who tracks a thief (Matthew Modine) when he is busted out of a high-security facility and is administered an experimental drug.
Toruk's TakeGod bless him, 72 years old and still blasting away. Stallone has genes like Methuselah. I can only hope I’m still as active at that age. Modine seems to be holding in there as well even though he’s pushing 60.
Unfortunately, this movie looks like stir-fried crap. Only one thing caught my eye…
Heyoohhh! But is she worth the price of admission? Probably not.
I am looking forward to the new Rambo though.
Backtrace starring Sylvester Stallone, Ryan Guzman and Matthew Modine opens in theaters umm…soon?